Welcome to the Scats-X Organization

Scats-X is a collaborative group of developers and tech enthusiasts working together on various open-source projects. Here you can learn more about the people behind the projects, their roles, and how to get in touch with them.

Profile Picture

About Schvarts11

Name: Schvarts11

Bio: I am a small developer polyvalent in a lot of languages that isn't currently open for jobs.

Role in the dev team: Project Leader


Personal Email (not for job inquiries): schvarts11@gmail.com

Work Email: dev@support.scats-x.fr

GitHub Organization: scats-x

GitHub Account: schvarts1


I speak English and French.

Profile Picture

About iamadev.huh

Name: iamadev.huh

Bio: Don't question me.

Role in the dev team: Main Developer


Personal Email (not for job inquiries): iamadev.huh@gmail.com

Work Email: dev@support.scats-x.fr

GitHub Organization: scats-x

GitHub Account: iamadev.huh


I speak English and French because I do.

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About explozion404

Name: explozion404

Bio: I develop apps for the org.

Role in the dev team: Fullstack Developer


Personal Email (not for job inquiries): explozion404@gmail.com

Work Email: dev@support.scats-x.fr

GitHub Organization: scats-x

GitHub Account: explozion404


I speak English only.

Profile Picture

About shottyxy.dev

Name: shottyxy.dev

Bio: I am the scats-x team beta tester.

Role in the dev team: Bug Killer


Personal Email (not for job inquiries): shottyxy.dev@gmail.com

Work Email: dev@support.scats-x.fr

GitHub Organization: scats-x

GitHub Account: shottyxy.dev


I speak English, French, and a little bit of German.

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